China Guide » Food & Restaurants » Pingyao Food & Cuisine

Pingyao Food & Cuisine

To taste the typical food of Pingyao, Ming-qing Street is the right place for travelers, where they are many shops, restaurants or stalls that selling kinds of food in Pingyao. Like other people in north China, the local staple food in Pingyao is mainly wheaten products.


Wantuo also called Wantuzi, is a kind of traditional snack in Pingyao, made of wheat or buckwheat flour. The flour is mixed with slightly salted water until it becomes a batter; salted water and rape oil is added proportionally to make the batter thin; this thin batter is put in a saucer and steamed for about twelve minutes. Then, the Wantuozi is ready. Mixed with vinegar, garlic, sesame, aniseed water, hot pepper and other ingredients, the Wantuozi is really tasted.


Pingyao braised beef is famous in China since Ming dynasty. It is fresh and tender in texture and boasts a strong fragrance. Pingyao beed could be found on shops or supermarkets of Ming-qing Street.

Pingyao Jellied Bean Curd

Jellied Bean Curd is another typical local cuisine that worth a try; it is mixed with salty sauce, which is made of noodles, soy and other ingredients.

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