China Guide » China Facts » Chinese Food & Cuisine » Suzhou Jasmine Tea

Suzhou Jasmine Tea

Suzhou Jasmine tea, the best jasmine tea in China. The tea has developed since the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Yongzheng times. It has a long history of 250 years in production and marketing. According to historical records, in the Song Dynasty, Suzhou was one of the first provinces to plant jasmine and use it as an ingredient for tea. By 1860, SuZhou Jasmine Tea became one of the most pouplar teas in the Northeast and Northern China.

Jasmine tea is honored as the most fragrant and popular scented Chinese tea in the world. This tea is light, delicate, and slightly sweet and every cup comes with a distinctive fresh jasmine fragrance. The strong flowery aroma of this tea is very soothing.

Compared with similar scented teas, Suzhou Jasmine tea has a fresh aroma, with yellow-green liquor clarity after brewing.

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